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Friendliest Pet Video Contest Announced by FriendlyPetVacationRentals.com

(News Item #0171, Published: 08/27/09, Author: William Victor May, FriendlyPetVacationRentals.com)

Is your pet wacky, weird or just plain wonderful? And do you have a video that will make people laugh and smile? If so you can win.

(FriendlyPetVacationRentals.com) displays pet friendly vacation rental, holiday lets and holiday rentals the world over and is looking for adorable videos of your animals to post on the website for visitors (and their pets) to see the world over.

To enter just email your name, contact information and and video file to Info@Plumbob.com. Or you can just include a reference to your video on YouTube.com.

Up to a dozen winners will be chosen and each will receive a copy of Garth Stein's remarkable book "The Art of Learning to Drive in the Rain" about a man and his dog who wants to drive a race car.

"This is a book for every dog lovers everywhere," says William May, president of Plumbob Publishing. "We don't publish books but we do love our pets and this book will surprise and delight every reader as they read a book written from a unique dog's unique perspective?"

The href="http://www.FriendlyPetVacationRentals.com"target="_blank">(FriendlyPetVacationRentals.com) website utilizes the world's first Multiple Listing Service for Vacation Rentals to find and list private vacation homes from the mutes to the pure breds. (VRMLS.org) was developed by our company. "Folks who can't leave home without their friendly Fido or Frisky can find the perfect home on our website."

In Garth's book his best friend "Enzo" watches a lot of videos, "so we figured it was time for pets to win. The book takes place just a few miles from my home so I wanted to spread some good will around the globe by looking for wonderful pets the world over."
