This Glossary is provided to help guests understand more about the rental of inns, resorts and vacation rentals. It is not comprehensive but serves as a primer for terms guests may encounter in renting specialty lodging. Not all terms apply to all properties or managers.
Hosts homes for individual on AirBnB. Usually not a full-stack vacation rental manager
Origin: Wm. May
Hot Tub
A small pool often outdoors and accommodating 2 to 12 people who can sit in and enjoy the hot water usually 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Usually self contained including pumps, air jets, covered when not in use and treated with chlorine or similar chemical to keep the water sanitary. Also called a spa.
See also: Spa Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Hot Tub Cleaning Fee
A certain amount above and beyond the rental rate charged to renters wishing to use your hot tub.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Those wonderful folks who clean lodging properties after guests and invitees depart. A thank less job for which gratitudes are not always given but always appreciated
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
The task of cleaning lodging properties after guests and invitees have departed. Includes washing linens, cleaning all rooms, vacuuming and return the property to its condition prior to the guests arrival.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Housekeeping Fee
A charge to guest's account for an Out, Interim or Excessive cleaning of a vacation rental or hotel unit. When quoted fees are usually a minimum meaning guests will be charged for cleaning that is beyond normal and usual usage.
See also: Interim Clean, Out Cleaning, Housekeeping Origin: Vacation Rental Association
A facility or landmark which is visually synonymous with a destination.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Incentive Travel
Travel offered as a reward for top performance and the business that develops, markets, and operates these programs.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Inclusive Tour
A tour program that includes a variety of features for a single rate (airfare, accommodations, sightseeing, performances, etc.)
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
The act of the owner or manager entering and inspecting a Property for the purpose of a guest's compliance with the booking agreement, terms and conditions and following of rules. Also includes housekeeping and maintenance entrance to a unit to accomplish their tasks related to the unit. Unlike long-term tenancies, owners, managers and staff are allowed, by law to enter units for such purposes upon reasonable need and without long notice.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
An Eligible Person who arranges a Covered Trip and pays any required plan payment.
Origin: CSA Travel Insurance
Interim Clean
When a guest occupies a vacation rental home for an extended period of usually a week or more, interim cleans may be warranted during the stay. Usually there is a fee for such cleans.
See also: Out Clean, Housekeeping, Cleaning Origin: Vacation Rental Association
People who are invited to use a lodging property by the Guest, who is the person who actually rents the property.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
A general term describing matters brought to the attention of a lodging property owner or manager. May include questions, complaints or even compliments but an issue not necessarily resolvable if the cause or solution is beyond capability to be solved
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
IVR - Inspected Vacation Rental
A lodging unit that has been inspected and meets the standards of the Vacation Rental Association (VRIA). Designated as "Blue Ribbon" and "Inspected Vacation Rental (IVR)" These include rules for outfitting, cleanliness, maintenance and truthful advertising, The terms Blue Ribbon and IVR are trademarks owned by the Vacation Rental Association.
See also: Blue Ribbon Rental, VVR, Verified Vacation Rental Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Key Safe
A stout box which can be attached to a build, that requires a user to punch in a numerical combination code in order to retrieve a key from inside. Usually a mechanical device, not electronic. Some types can be hung on a door knob.
Origin: Istay
Leasehold Interest
When an owner of a property leases the property to second party, that party is said to have a leasehold interest. They have certain rights in regard to the use and disposition of the property but not the right to sell the property itself. This usually refers to a leasehold interest in land.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Leisure Travel
Travel for recreational, educational, sightseeing, relaxing and other experiential purposes.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Limited Vacation Rental Manager
A locally owned and operated company that manages multiple second homes for short-term rental such as cabins, condos, cottages, houses, villas, etc. Provides onsite services and marketing without aid of a support organization. May also refer to an individual who works at such a company.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Usually cotton materials used for sheets, pillow cases and other bedding
See also: Bedding, Textiles, towels, fleece Origin: May, William